The universe did not come into existence by chance. There is definitely some higher power behind its creation. For a long time, the true knowledge about the creation of the universe was hidden. Many people were unaware of the real story. But today, we will explore the creation of the universe according to different religions.
Let us dive into the beliefs about the creation of the universe as presented in Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and more.
How Did the Universe Begin?
Many people, when they hear this information for the first time, might find it hard to believe. But as we go through the proofs from holy scriptures of various religions such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and even the Big Bang theory, it becomes difficult to ignore the evidence. These ancient texts provide enough details that explain how the universe was created.
Let us also look at some unanswered questions. How was the world created? What is the age of the universe? How big is the universe? How was the universe formed, and how will it end? All these questions will be answered as we explore further.
Creation of Universe According to Hinduism
In Hinduism, there are multiple stories about the creation of the universe. Some believe that Lord Vishnu created Brahma and ordered him to continue the creation process. Others, especially those following Shaivism, believe Lord Shiva is the creator.
Hindus hold different beliefs about God. Some think that God is formless, while others believe that God has a form. The Vedas, which are ancient Hindu scriptures, say that God is in a form and lives in an eternal place called ‘Satlok’ or ‘Sachkhand’. In these texts, the name of God is mentioned as Kavir Dev or Kabir Sahib.
Vedic Evidence on Universe Creation
Rigveda Mandal 10, Sukt 90, Mantra 1 mentions how the universe was created by Kavir Dev.
Similar details about creation can also be found in the Atharva Veda, which discusses how God used His power to create the universe.
According to Hindu texts, the creation of the universe started from the power of God’s word. The world we see today, including the earth, water, air, and living beings, all came from this divine power.
Creation of Universe According to Islam
In Islam, the universe was created by Allah, who is believed to be formless. Muslims believe that the knowledge in the Quran was given by Allah. The Quran mentions that Allah created the universe in six days and then took rest on the seventh day. Allah is believed to have created everything from nothing.
Quranic Evidence
In the Quran Sharif, Surat Al-Furqan, it is mentioned that Allah created the heavens and the earth, along with everything else. This is seen as a divine act of creation that cannot be understood by mere human logic.
Islamic teachings say that the universe and everything in it exists because of Allah's will. Allah created the planets, stars, and living beings, and He controls the entire universe. Muslims believe that Allah's power is infinite, and everything happens by His command.
Creation of Universe According to the Holy Bible
Christianity teaches that God created the universe. The Bible, particularly the book of Genesis, gives a detailed account of how the world was created. According to the Bible, God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh day.
Biblical Evidence
Genesis 1:1-31 explains how God created light, separated the sky from the earth, and brought forth land, plants, animals, and humans.
God created man in His own image and gave him control over all living beings. Christians believe that God is the ultimate creator and everything in the universe, including humans, exists because of His will. The Bible emphasizes that God is both loving and powerful, and He created the world with purpose and care.
Creation of Universe According to Guru Granth Sahib
In Sikhism, God is referred to as Waheguru, the one who created the universe. Sikhs believe that God is formless and eternal. According to Guru Granth Sahib, everything in the universe was created by God's word.
Evidence from Guru Granth Sahib
Guru Granth Sahib contains verses that describe how God created the universe with His word. For example, Raag Bilaaval, Mehla 1 talks about God creating the universe from nothing.
Sikhism teaches that the entire universe is a creation of God. God is infinite, and His power has no boundaries. Everything that exists in the world is a reflection of God's will and power.
Creation of Universe According to Worshipable Supreme God Kabir
According to the teachings of Supreme God Kabir, the universe was created by a divine being. Kabir's teachings provide a detailed explanation of how the universe came into existence. In the beginning, there was only one supreme God, known as Kabir Sahib. He created the universe from His word power.
Evidence from Kabir Sagar
Kabir Sagar, a sacred text, explains that God Kabir first created the immortal realms, known as Satlok. From there, He created the lower worlds, including the universe we live in today.
According to Kabir's teachings, the creation of the universe was not an accident. It was a deliberate act by a supreme being who used His divine power to bring everything into existence.
Creation of the Universe According to Science / The Big Bang Theory
Science offers a different explanation for the creation of the universe. According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe started from a single point of immense energy and density, and it has been expanding ever since. Scientists estimate that the universe is about 13.8 billion years old.
Scientific Evidence
The Big Bang Theory is supported by evidence from cosmic background radiation and the movement of galaxies. It suggests that the universe is constantly expanding and evolving.
Scientists, however, admit that there is still much we do not know about the universe. While the Big Bang Theory explains the physical origins of the universe, it does not address the deeper question of why the universe exists.
How the World Was Created?
The creation of the world is a question that has puzzled humans for centuries. Every religion offers a different perspective on how the world came into being. According to Hinduism, the world was created by divine beings such as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Islam teaches that Allah created the world in six days, while Christianity states that God did the same.
In Sikhism, Waheguru created the world with His word. And in the teachings of Kabir Sahib, the world was created from His divine power. Science, on the other hand, suggests that the world is part of a larger universe that began with the Big Bang.
What is the Age of the Universe?
Different sources provide different answers to the question of the universe’s age. Science estimates that the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old based on the Big Bang Theory. However, religious texts do not offer specific timelines. They emphasize that the universe is eternal and created by divine will.
How Will the Universe End?
Religions and science also provide different answers to how the universe will end. Many religions believe that the universe will come to an end when the supreme power decides. For example, Christianity talks about the "End of Days" or Judgment Day. Islam also has similar beliefs about the end of the world.
Science, however, suggests that the universe may continue to expand forever or collapse back into itself in a process known as the Big Crunch.
Q1. How was the earth formed according to all religions?
The earth was formed by divine power according to most religions. In Hinduism, it was created by Brahma; in Islam, by Allah; in Christianity, by God; and in Sikhism, by Waheguru.
Q2. Which supreme being created the world?
Different religions name different supreme beings. Hinduism names Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Islam names Allah. Christianity names God, and Sikhism names Waheguru.
Q3. Who is the creator of all universes?
According to most religions, the supreme being—whether God, Allah, or Waheguru—is the creator of all universes. The teachings of Kabir Sahib also state that He is the creator of everything.
Q4. Which Hindu god is believed to have created the universe?
According to Hinduism, Lord Brahma is believed to have created the universe. However, some believe that Vishnu
is the true creator, while others believe that Shiva is the source of creation. Ultimately, all of these deities are considered manifestations of the one Supreme Power, which is believed to be behind the creation of the entire cosmos.
Q5. How was the universe created according to Islam?
According to Islam, Allah created the universe in six days and then rested on the seventh day. The Quran explains that Allah created the heavens, the earth, and all living beings. Everything in the universe exists due to His will. The universe is a reflection of Allah's power and wisdom.
Q6. How was the universe created according to Hinduism?
In Hinduism, there are various beliefs regarding the creation of the universe. Some say that Lord Brahma, the creator god, brought the universe into existence. Others believe that Lord Vishnu, the preserver, first created Brahma, who then continued the process. Hindu texts also speak of cyclical time, where the universe goes through periods of creation, preservation, and destruction, only to be recreated again.