When is Christmas Day 2024?
Christmas Day is celebrated every year by Christians and non-Christians alike across the globe. It is a public holiday in many countries, including India. In 2024, Christmas will be celebrated on December 25th, as it is every year.
What is Christmas Day 2024?
Christmas is a holy festival for Christians. On this day, people engage in activities like singing carols, attending church services, preparing special meals, and decorating Christmas trees. Christmas is particularly celebrated by children, as they eagerly await gifts from Santa Claus or Father Christmas. In many countries, including India, Christmas is a public holiday. While there are many debates about the exact date of Jesus’ birth, it was in the fourth century that the Church officially declared December 25th as the day of celebration.
The Story and History of Christmas Day 2024
Now, let’s explore the story and history of Christmas Day. According to tradition, Jesus Christ was born to Mary, a woman from the village of Nazareth in Galilee. She was engaged to Joseph. One night, an angel appeared to Mary, foretelling the birth of God’s Son, Jesus, from her womb. Although she was unmarried, Mary became pregnant. Joseph, her fiancé, had doubts about her character and hesitated to marry her. But an angel appeared to him in a dream and revealed the divine plan, leading Joseph to marry Mary.
True Christmas Day Story
At that time, Mary and Joseph lived in the Roman Empire, ruled by Emperor Augustus. He issued a decree requiring everyone to return to their hometowns for a census. This led Mary and Joseph to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem. When they arrived in Bethlehem, all the inns were full due to the emperor’s orders. The only place they could stay was a stable, where Jesus was born.
On that night, angels appeared to shepherds in the fields, announcing the birth of a savior who was lying in a manger. The shepherds went to see for themselves and found Jesus with Mary and Joseph, just as the angels had said. They praised God for the miraculous event.
The Mystery of the Birth of Jesus Christ
Wise men from distant lands, who studied the stars, knew from ancient writings that a new star would appear in the sky when a great king was born. A bright star appeared the night Jesus was born, and these wise men traveled to Bethlehem to worship the newborn king.
When King Herod heard of the birth of a new king, he felt threatened. He called the wise men and asked them to inform him once they found the child, pretending he wanted to pay homage. However, his true intention was to kill the child. An angel warned the wise men of Herod’s real plans, and they returned to their countries by a different route.
Life of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ spent his life spreading the message of God. He challenged superstitions and religious dogmas that were prevalent at the time. His teachings, however, angered religious leaders, leading to his crucifixion. Jesus was betrayed by one of his twelve disciples, Judas, and was sentenced to death. He was beaten, crowned with thorns, and nailed to the cross in Jerusalem.
After his crucifixion, Jesus was buried, but on the third day, he rose from the dead, appearing alive to his followers and strengthening their faith.
Why Christmas is Celebrated on December 25th
Christmas is considered the most significant festival in Christianity. However, there is no historical proof that Jesus was born on December 25th. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Jesus was likely born in October, and several Christian scriptures support this claim. Some believe December 25th was chosen for Jesus' birthday because Romans used to worship the sun on that day, and early Christians wanted Jesus' birthday to coincide with this pagan festival.
Why December 25th is Called "Bada Din"
In many parts of India, Christmas is also called “Bada Din” (the Big Day). This term likely originates from the fact that in late December, days begin to get longer as the Earth revolves around the sun. The day of Christmas coincides with this shift, and as it is a significant holiday, it is referred to as the “Big Day.”
Should Christmas Day Be Celebrated or Not?
While Christmas is widely accepted and celebrated, some people question whether it should be observed. The Bible doesn’t explicitly mention celebrating Jesus’ birthday. In fact, Jeremiah 20:14 states, “Cursed be the day I was born! May the day my mother bore me not be blessed!” Some argue that celebrating birthdays is a worldly custom, not a spiritual practice.
Christmas: Is Jesus God or the Son of God?
The angel always referred to Jesus as the "Son of God." However, many Christians worship Jesus as God, believing that he came to earth to forgive humanity’s sins. The Bible passages in Hebrews 1:5, Matthew 17:5, Mark 1:11, and Luke 20:13 clearly indicate that Jesus was the Son of God.
Christianity, one of the largest religions in the world, was founded upon the teachings of Jesus Christ (Hazrat Isa). His followers, who adhered to the principles he laid down, became known as Christians, and this gave rise to the sacred Christian faith. However, there are many aspects of Jesus’ life and teachings that are misunderstood or misinterpreted. In this article, we will explore the truth about Jesus, his role as a messenger of God, and the limitations of his powers according to religious scriptures.
Jesus Christ’s Birth: A Divine Intervention
Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary (Marriyam) and her husband Joseph. However, according to the Bible (Gospel of Matthew 1:25), Mary conceived Jesus through a divine intervention, not through a human father. This miraculous conception caused Joseph to initially doubt Mary’s purity and consider leaving her, but an angel appeared to him in a dream, instructing him not to abandon Mary. Thus, Joseph stayed with Mary, and Jesus was born.
Jesus Christ Was Not God, but a Messenger of One True God
Jesus was not God himself, but a messenger who conveyed the path to worship the One True God. He preached devotion to a singular divine being. As the Bible recounts, Jesus was visited by the Supreme God from Satlok (the Eternal World), who revealed the true spiritual path to him. From then on, Jesus began to spread the message of devotion to the One God. However, this message was met with resistance, and from time to time, celestial beings (known as Brahma or Kal’s angels) distracted Jesus from his mission by keeping him from fully accessing the ultimate knowledge of the Supreme Being.
Jesus Could Not Absolve Sins
One of the misconceptions surrounding Jesus is that he had the power to forgive sins. However, the Bible provides instances that demonstrate otherwise. For example, in John 9:1-34, there is a story of a man born blind who was healed by Jesus. When asked by his disciples whether the man’s blindness was due to sin, Jesus responded that it was not because of any sin but rather so that the glory of God could be revealed. This indicates that Jesus was not performing miracles by his own will or power; these events were preordained by God (Brahm/Yehovah).
Miracles Performed by Jesus Were Preordained
The miracles performed by Jesus, such as healing the sick or driving out demons, were all preordained by the celestial entity known as Brahm (Kal or Jyoti Niranjan). For instance, in one instance, Jesus healed a man possessed by an evil spirit. However, this event was not of Jesus' doing; it was orchestrated by Kal, who first caused the possession and then arranged for Jesus to cast out the spirit, thereby enhancing Jesus' reputation as a divine being. This trickery ensnared thousands of followers, but it was all part of a larger, predestined plan.
Jesus’ Death Was Predetermined
It is important to understand that Jesus’ life, including his death, was predetermined. The Bible clearly states that Jesus himself predicted his death, knowing it was inevitable. He told his disciples, "My death is near" (Matthew 26:24-55), and foretold that one of his own disciples would betray him. This prophecy came true when Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, handed him over to his enemies for thirty pieces of silver.
Jesus Was Not the Supreme God
One of the most crucial misunderstandings in Christianity is the belief that Jesus was the Supreme God. According to the Bible and other scriptures, Jesus was not the immortal God. His death on the cross at the age of 30 clearly proves this. God, by nature, is eternal and cannot die, but Jesus experienced a painful death when he was crucified, nailed to a wooden cross, and left to die in agony. This shows that he was not the Supreme God but a prophet sent to spread God's word.
Jesus' Prophecies About a Successor
In John 16:7, Jesus foretold the arrival of a helper (or successor) who would come after him to guide the world. He said, “It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” This prophecy indicates that another divine figure would come after Jesus to fulfill God's mission on Earth. According to certain spiritual beliefs, this Helper is none other than Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, who is spreading divine wisdom in the modern era.
Jesus’ Mortality Proved He Was Not God
Jesus’ death on the cross is one of the strongest pieces of evidence that he was not God. The Bible recounts his final moments, where he cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27). This cry of abandonment shows that, in his last moments, Jesus felt the absence of God. It demonstrates that Jesus was not in control of his own destiny and was not the omnipotent, eternal God.
The Supreme God Is Eternal, Unlike Jesus
While Jesus was a revered figure, his mortal life proves that he was not the eternal Supreme God. The Supreme God, often identified as Kabir Sahib, is beyond birth and death. Unlike Jesus, who lived for only 30 years and faced a mortal end, the Supreme God is indestructible and does not succumb to the cycle of life and death. This eternal God revealed Himself in various forms throughout history, and it is believed that He appeared after Jesus' crucifixion to strengthen the faith of Jesus' followers, preventing them from losing hope.
The True Messenger of God: Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj
Jesus’ prophecies about a future helper find their fulfillment in the divine teachings of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. As mentioned in John 16:7, a savior would come to guide humanity after Jesus' departure. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is spreading the ultimate knowledge about God, revealing the truth of the Supreme God, Kabir Sahib, and leading people to salvation through his teachings.
The Truth About the Supreme God
Supreme God is eternal and never born in the human form. He does not experience birth and death, and he cannot be contained in the material world. Based on these attributes, Jesus Christ cannot be the Supreme God, as he was born to the Virgin Mary and died on the cross. The Supreme God, as described in various religious scriptures like the Bible, Quran, and Vedas, is immortal and all-powerful.
The name of the Supreme God is "Kabir," as mentioned in sacred texts across different religions, including the Bible (Iyov 36:5), the Guru Granth Sahib, and the Atharvaveda. According to these scriptures, Kabir is the Supreme Almighty who created the universe.
Why is Kabir the Supreme and Almighty God?
According to the holy Vedas, the Supreme God never takes birth from a mother's womb, is nourished by virgin cows, and descends to Earth in every age, returning to his eternal abode with his body. Among all prophets and messengers, only Kabir fits this description. Historical records suggest that Kabir appeared on a lotus flower in the "Lahartara" pond in Kashi, India, and was cared for by cows. After completing his earthly duties, he returned to his eternal home with his physical form.
1. Was Jesus Christ the Supreme God?
No, Jesus Christ was not the Supreme God. According to the Bible and other scriptures, Jesus was a messenger sent to spread the word of God. His death on the cross and his mortal life show that he was not the eternal God, as God is immortal and beyond death. The Supreme God is believed to be Kabir Sahib, who is eternal and beyond the cycle of life and death.
2. Did Jesus Christ perform miracles by his own power?
No, the miracles performed by Jesus were not of his own doing but were preordained by the celestial entity known as Brahm (Kal). These miracles were part of a divine plan to build his reputation and draw followers. For instance, in John 9:1-34, a man born blind was healed by Jesus to demonstrate God's glory, not as a result of Jesus' own powers.
3. Why is Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj considered the successor of Jesus?
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is considered the successor of Jesus based on the prophecy in John 16:7, where Jesus foretold the coming of a helper or guide who would lead people after his departure. According to certain spiritual interpretations, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj fulfills this prophecy by spreading divine wisdom about the Supreme God, Kabir Sahib, and guiding humanity toward salvation.
4. What does Jesus' death signify about his divine status?
Jesus' death on the cross at the age of 30 is evidence that he was not the Supreme God. The Supreme God is immortal, whereas Jesus experienced a painful death, indicating that he was a mortal being. His death was also predetermined, as Jesus himself predicted that one of his disciples would betray him, leading to his crucifixion.